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Cyber Awareness Training

Educate and engage your employees with critical information security exercises to fortify your ‘human firewall’

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Employee Information Security Awareness

From small nonprofits to global corporations and everything in between, the most valuable asset in any organization remains the same – its employees. Unfortunately, these same individuals are too often the weakest link in a business’s cybersecurity defense chain. We can change that.

Omega Systems’ end user security awareness program empowers your employees to act as your first line of defense against evolving cybersecurity threats and results in meaningful, sustainable changes to your overall security posture.

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Key Components of Employee Security Awareness Program

Training & Assessment

Managed Phishing

Reinforcement & Reporting

Annual Training & Assessment

Most businesses today are required to ensure that all employees complete annual information security awareness training – whether to satisfy local, state or federal compliance guidelines (PCI DSS, SOX, SEC, HIPAA, GLBA, SOC 2, FISMA, etc.) or to meet growing expectations for investor due diligence or cyber liability insurance. In any case, completing annual training and assessments will elevate your organization to a more security-conscious level.

This essential component of Omega’s cybersecurity awareness training services measures your users’ security knowledge and determines a baseline for future trainings.

Our inspired training sessions engage your employees with a customized mix of content. We train beyond generalized security awareness to address relevant threats and security concepts that are critical to your specific work environment and security training goals. We cover real-time topics, like advanced cyber-attacks and tactics, social engineering, malicious downloadable content, information leaks, illegal online activity, and more.

Managed Phishing Simulations

To combat sophisticated social engineering schemes, managed phishing simulations have emerged as a critical component within information security training programs. Through our training services, you can deliver unlimited phishing tests and simulation attacks to your end users and train them in real time to detect and report malicious threats. AI-driven phishing capabilities can even create personalized phishing experiences for different groups or individual users based on their performance metrics.

Through easy integration with your email system, employees can report suspicious emails, which will be reviewed by Omega’s Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts. True phishing attacks will be handled professionally and swiftly, and subsequent forensic knowledge will be applied across your entire network.

Reinforcement & Customized Reporting

Too often, once-per-year training sessions demonstrate that they simply aren’t enough to keep employees current on the changing threat landscape. In addition to phishing simulations, we orchestrate our automated security awareness program to include frequent reminders, best practices and security tips to keep end user knowledge sharp throughout the year.

Advanced reporting provides actionable metrics and insight into the effectiveness of your security program and can be used to satisfy regulatory requirements with the click of a button.

A purple and blue web of light.

Make Your Employees Cyber-Aware

Cyber awareness training remains one of the most critical – and cost-effective – security methods you can employ to mitigate risk across your organization. Contact Omega Systems to learn more about how our training program can satisfy your unique goals.

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Explore More Critical Cybersecurity Services

Vulnerability Assessments

Endpoint Detection & Response

Managed SIEM & SOC

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