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Five Signs That Your Technology is Keeping You Down

Signs Your Technology is Keeping You Down

Is Your IT Thriving – or Just Barely Surviving?

If you’ve used the words outdated, inefficient, or unresponsive lately to describe your IT operations, it’s time to get serious.

Your Internal IT Team is Bogged Down with Break-Fix Issues

Businesses with large internal IT teams can be very efficient, but if your internal IT resources are limited, it can often lead to significant issues. In many cases, a team with limited bandwidth or resources ends up spending all their time on break-fix issues. This approach can severely hamper productivity across your organization – which ultimately costs your business lost revenue, poor reputation, and missed opportunities. Given the rapidly evolving nature of technology, your organization needs reliable, agile, and consistent IT support.

Your MSP/IT Provider is Functioning as a Vendor, Not a Partner

If you’re outsourcing some or all of your IT services to a managed IT service provider (MSP), are they pulling their weight? Your IT partner should be delivering a mixture of proactive and responsive services. Yes, they should be accessible to address unexpected issues, but they should also be acting as an IT partner.

A reputable MSP keeps a watchful eye on your company’s network 24x7x365, catching suspicious activities in real time, and screening your endpoints for vulnerabilities before they become setbacks to your operations. On-again, off-again monitoring of your network and lacking cybersecurity strategy planning or proactive recommendations are sure indicators that your MSP isn’t invested in your success.

You’re Relying on Outdated Hardware & Software

Outdated infrastructure and legacy systems can wreak havoc on your business – leading to unwanted compromises, downtime and underutilization. Outdated hardware increases your energy consumption, while old software lacks security updates, making you susceptible to cyber threats and data breaches. Upgrading to modern technology or migrating your operations to professionally managed cloud services will help optimize your efficiency, enable future innovation, and potentially even save you money in the long run.

You Can’t Keep Up with Shifting Market Trends and Compliance Requirements

If your current technology stack or IT support mechanism isn’t built with security and compliance in mind, you could be in a mountain of trouble. Nearly every industry is grappling with increasing requirements for data privacy and cybersecurity risk management, and that means you need access to consistent, reliable IT assessments, ongoing consultation from security consultants, and peace of mind that your MSP/MSSP is staying on top of changing regulations.

You Aren’t Receiving Quality Customer Service

Perhaps the most obvious sign that your IT operations are struggling: a lack of adequate customer service. Maybe you’ve noticed increased downtime lately or are consistently dealing with the same issues time and again. There is a lot to be said for accessibility, responsiveness and relationship management – and if you’re not getting those things from your managed service provider, it might be time to seek elsewhere.


Working with a collaborative MSP like Omega Systems will not only help streamline the process of modernizing your IT but also make it more cost-effective, secure, compliant and scalable over the long term. The partnership we offer isn’t just about technology; it’s about helping you respond with agility to market changes, enable data-informed decision-making, attract and retain stakeholders, and discover unforeseen opportunities.

As a multi-award-winning MSP/MSSP, Omega offers regular reviews and proactive recommendations to meet (if not exceed) your evolving requirements, helping propel your business forward.

Contact our technology and security experts at Omega for more information.

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